Saturday, 3 October 2009

I've been away...

Right I'm assuming you've noticed I haven't blogged for, well, ages, and, though I have no real excuse for this poor lapse, I have been extremely [extremely!] busy - in fact last month was possibly the hardest, busiest, most draining month I've probably had to struggle through in recent memory [though I still enjoyed it. I've started uni [more of that to come later], and I've worked, travelled [to fair Paris as well as Sheffield, Liverpool and Glasgow two times each], filled in a whole heap of forms, travelled some more and, basically, been terrible at managing my time. This is something I've had to address but I think taking this last month off from blogging has been a pretty good idea adjudging from the amount of other things that have been going on. I will be prompt in my return however and I'm sure I'll be back on top of Swagger & Swoon as soon as I'm back in to the rhythm of blogging. Stay tuned.

Image stolen from here...

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