'Chris is a walking dead man...'
Shawn Corey Carter, 39, Entrepreneur
Shawn Corey Carter, 39, Entrepreneur
What the fuck Chris - Whatever she's done, was it really worth beating her senseless and, in the process, destroying your own career and reputation?
The mistake he made was not waiting until they were married. It's not like with Bobby Brown and Whitney. We knew that he was abusive but it was none of anybodies business because they were married.
We can't even call Chris a wife beater. As far as we're all concerned he's an attacker, a criminal.
Just wrong.
The situation is terrible. How could he lay his hand on a woman. I understand they are like the same size and all...but c'mon now, just terrible.
But just LOOK at him. He could beat me up morning, evening and night and i'd probably still pine over him. Well aware im setting back womens rights two hundred years with that statment, yes. Fuck you Emmeline Pankhurst.
Louise. You are actually one of the funniest people I have never met. Word.
Bless you darling. Although it's not funniness. It's just bitterness, mixed with a overwhelming sense of apathy towards everyone and everything (Apart from Beyonce, chicken & hoodrats. And you. You're alright too)
Oh God marry me - sorry Niyi but this girl knows her wicked way around a word, she's got me all in a fluster. Back to the Chris Brown, Rihanna story I do reckon this blog should be above celeb musings [even bruisings, alike the one in question] though I'm similarly sure that two of the worlds most famous individuals trading blows and herpes in such a public manner is well worthy of at least a few lines of a post.
Louise you set the date, and I'll arrange the venue - we're hitting Vegas baby!
Vegas ? Oh, you charmer you. It'll be so romantic. We can be the new Bex & Luke from Big Brother 9. (Although i'm not a loudmouthed (I am) moose with a glandular problem who gets her tits out at every possible opportunity. (I do) And i'm guessing your not a skinny northern virgin who studys politics? But just go with it babe.)
Louise is amazing, your marriage totally has my blessing.
*sheds tear like a mother in the front row at the wedding*
(I know you know I'll be seated front row. I know it isn't fashion week but I don't do second row and beyond.)
'Come on mate, sometimes women just aren't worth it...'
I can't even start to express how appalling I find that statement, sorry...
Nah mate I agree. I was pulled up on it already and I can't agree more - I would have taken it down already but I didn't and perhaps I should have... My bad, though thanks for pulling me up on it, I always welcome constructive criticism.
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